Big Update 1.1


With this major update, featuring new improvements and more. At the moment, narration and dialogues have been temporarily disabled until the next update.

  • There has been a change in the camera view, transitioning from perspective to orthographic.
  • The level has been recreated with new models to enhance design and enjoyment.
  • Player arms (Ragdoll) have been fixed and are now functioning correctly, along with the entire body.
  • All player movements have been improved to be more fluid and physical, without compromising on challenging controls.
  • The legs now truly appear broken, adding a new challenge: climbing with broken legs.
  • Particles now accompany the hands while climbing.
  • 3D audio has been added to play hand-specific sounds, distinguishing between left and right.
  • A loading indicator has been introduced for the "LoadingScreen."
  • Obstacles that fall, obstruct, or explode have been incorporated.
  • Cables and ropes have been added (can you traverse them?).
  • A weather system has been implemented that can affect object friction based on the weather conditions.
  • In water, you now float if you fall. "Don't linger too long in the water ;)".
  • The "Main Menu" has been redesigned.
  • Pressing "F" reveals the FPS.
  • Enhanced lighting and post-processing.


  • Correction for displaying the best time text.
  • The player no longer exits the range where the water is located.
  • Ragdoll now doesn't break as much.
  • In the "Options Menu," the resolution now functions properly.
  • In the "Options Menu," an issue with the "Back to Main Menu" button not being visible has been resolved.
  • The error that the player had upon impacting with the water has been fixed.


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Version 2 Feb 25, 2024

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